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Writer, Quilt Artist
ON THE PAGE AND IN THE CLOTH                          



So - why the term Second Hand Stories?

There are tee-shirts that say "Beware what you say to a writer. It may end up in a novel."  In my case, you can almost bet it will.  I love to push words around; when I write, I know no one has ever put words together exactly as I.  How cool is that? I don't have a great imagination for fantasy, so I rummage through a lifetime box of things I've seen or heard, and pull something out. Something someone said, perhaps fifty years ago, may show up morphed into unrecognizable shape. I sift through the memory box and write Second Hand Stories.  


I write, but will always be a sewer of old things.  I work with worn things from thrift shops, places you go into with rubber gloves and tongs. Women who came before me worked hard to make beautiful things; a crocheted doily, a hanky with tatted edges, an embroidered dresser scarf, a stack of quilt blocks never set together.  These are the fragments to which I offer new life.  As you look through the galleries, you will spot the vintage pieces. Many of my quilts have text, almost all have a story to tell.  I use recycled items and fabrics, so, once again, Second Hand Stories.


Uavoidable life events have forced me to say good-bye to my professional life as a lecturer and teacher.  I shared my knowledge and love of quilts all over the country for over thirty years. It was a lot to give up, and I spent long nights wrestling with the decision. I know in my heart that it's time, but I will miss the travel, laughter and friendships.


Have you read my book?  I Can't Write without My Eyebrows: Musings of a Prissy Southern Woman is a compilation of Facebook posts and short essays that received positive reader feedback over the years. I can't remember how many times readers said "You should put these in a book!" So I did - a book that makes a perfect gift for friends, sisters, moms - anyone with a woman's heart. Available in paperback, hard cover, and ebook from Amazon or Barnes and Noble. Do it!

After retiring from life on the road, I was concerned over personal stagnation.  I have to DO SOMETHING!  I decided to begin my "Swedish Death Cleaning;" getting rid of possessions so family won't have to. In the process of gathering, gifting, and donating, I realized I could be selling. I am opening a shop on Etsy called White Crow and Willow.  I'll be selling quilts, handmade items, small antiques, jewelry, and whatever finds its way into my hands. Sit still? Couch potato? Not I.  



  Teddy Pruett


    teddypruett on Instagram          

   Teddy McMahon Pruett on Facebook                


I don't have an official blog; I use Facebook as my platform for news, events, chats, and brain dumps, saving you the need to click around for a blog or newsletter. Follow me on Facebook!




*All text and photos on this site are the sole property of Teddy Pruett and are not to be copied, printed, or utilized in any way without written permission. Thanks!