I used to be a street rod chick. As soon as I met Bill he began bestowing gifts. He found out I liked old cars, and gave me a basket case 1938 Chevrolet to restore. I designed this mauve and cream sweetie that I named Mauvlus. It had a gold instrument panel, roses etched into the windows, pink velvet and pink & gold brocade upholstery. The battery was in the trunk, disguised as a big gift wrapped in pink velvet. I even had a pink toolkit! I loved my car passionately, and kept it seventeen years. When quilts began to dictate my life and my days, I could no longer go to car shows or play with my car. I finally sold it and used the money to build a cottage studio. I no longer have that, either. Life is a series of giving up things, I suppose.
This picture was taken at an April Fool's Rod Run in Waycross, GA. where Mauvlus won the People's Choice Trophy. Can you see what I am doing? I am lap quilting a quilt block a la Georgia Bonesteel!
My sweet husband, my sweet dog with her hair barely growing out, and the ditch beside my driveway in March 2010.
Looks like a pink waterfall, doesn't it? We don't live there any more but it's still pretty.
What did you do in the war, granny?
Here I am in my corset and snood, hand piecing during the War of Northern Aggression. You will see I have a personal servant - actually, my granddaughter Taren when she was just a young'un. She was a bandage roller. What fun we had acting in this wonderful reenactment drama during the Battle of Olustee Festival. They said I couldn't wear any makeup because it spoiled the illusion. The heck you say!!! I don't go ANYWHERE without makeup. An 1860's soldier walking around with a cell phone -now, THAT spoils the illusion!